Crafting Assisting Intelligence

The Story Behind the Book: From Puppies to AI, Unlocking the Secrets of Intelligence, Learning, and Collaboration.
Crafting Assisting Intelligence
Mara as a puppy, a shade seeker at an early age. Prompt: Remove the leash.

Ancora Imparo e Assisto

Michelangelo famously declared, "Ancora Imparo" "Still, I am learning." We are still learning, but how keeps changing. The digital revolution has extinguished some, rebuilt others, transformed many, and reinvented learning from a static, desk chair-tethered experience into a continuous scroll, always-on activity. Armed with mobile devices, knowledge seekers are a nomadic breed.

For the past 20 years, SmarterMedium has adapted its learning solutions to keep pace with these changes in mediums. Now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to disrupt learning once more, redefining how information is generated, consumed, and applied. Our book, Assisting Intelligence, and this website are the result of our research and exploration of AI as a new learning medium.

AI's true power lies in its ability to assist, not merely enable, learning across mediums, and communication channels. Unlike previous tools and technologies, AI can fundamentally augment and enhance human creativity and communication, fostering a new era of intelligent collaboration. We view AI as an "Assisting Intelligence," echoing Michelangelo's spirit of continuous learning and support—"Ancora Imparo e Assisto" (Yet, I learn and assist).

Brainstorming with a Golden Retriever

Our exploration of AI's potential in learning coincided with a personal journey – raising and training a golden retriever puppy named Mara. Both AI and Mara showcased distinct forms of intelligence. This shared journey of discovery with an intelligent entity, canine or coded, was about learning to understand and work with their intelligence, identify boundaries, and grasp their true capabilities.

Mara possesses an uncanny intelligence and character that can sometimes resemble human-like behavior. However, her intelligence is fundamentally different. Both Mara and generative AI platforms display enthusiasm for retrieving, playful curiosity, and happenstance for mischief. Unleashing a puppy's potential requires a collaborative approach to understanding and nurturing its natural intelligence. Similarly, working with AI isn't about replicating human thought processes but rather learning its strengths and how to leverage them. AI excels at analyzing vast datasets, generating creative content, and adapting to new situations, all while demonstrating a remarkable capacity to assist with learning.

Unlocking the potential of both artificial and canine intelligence necessitates a collaborative approach. Success lies in recognizing the unique strengths of each form of intelligence—a dog’s vivacious acuity and AI’s analytical power—and fostering a synergistic partnership where both can thrive.

Mike and Mara taking a break from training or writing sessions.

The Book & Website

Our book, Assisting Intelligence - How to Build Authentic in the Age of AI, captures evergreen principles, guiding readers toward a future of AI-assisted learning and communication. This website serves as a platform for continuous exploration and discovery in the age of AI, helping you harness the power of Assisting Intelligence.

Our book and website offer in-depth insights and practical guidance on harnessing the power of Assisting Intelligence. Discover how you can transform learning and communication today.

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