Artifice Intelligence

AI’s ubiquitous power to simulate human thought processes, combined with the widespread availability of AI tools, large language models, and social platforms for communication, can be misused to create deceptive digital environments — deepfakes and synthetic media. In the hands of bad actors, AI can be used to create elaborate and convincing deceptions. Much like a Potemkin village, this malicious artifice intelligence creates digital façades that can obscure reality, spread misinformation, manipulate public opinion, and undermine trust in institutions at scale. These AI-generated creations can be compelling, making it difficult to distinguish between genuine and fabricated information. This presents a significant challenge to society, as it becomes increasingly difficult to discern what is real and what is not. As AI continues to evolve, it is imperative to develop strategies to mitigate its potential for harm and to foster responsible AI development and use. (See Abrogating Intelligence)


Articulate Intelligence


Artificial Identity