Asimov, Isaac

Lucky for us, Isaac Asimov started writing about the implications of AI before computers could be used to record his thoughts. He foresaw many of the ethical implications of this technology. Long before the dawn of the digital age, Asimov sparked the minds of countless readers, inspiring generations of writers, filmmakers, and those who would then inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists working on AI today. His iconic "Three Laws of Robotics" – a set of guidelines for robot behavior – continues to inspire discussions about the responsible development and use of AI. As we push the boundaries of AI research, it is crucial to consider the ethical implications and ensure that these powerful tools are used for the betterment of humanity.

The work where Asimov formulated the laws governing robots

Read Isaac Asimov's book “I, Robot” to understand an early perspective on artificial intelligence that shapes the thinking of many tech leaders and developers today.


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